Darryl Big George
Darryl is an upcoming artist. His heritage is Ojibwa/Sioux from the Lac La Croix First Nation in Southwestern, Ontario . He was born in 1968 in the small city of Kenora, just west of Thunder Bay.
Darryl is self-taught; his medium is black India ink on watercolor paper, slowly he's incorporating colors in his works. During Darryl's younger years, he sketch and drew with a pencil while sitting in his grandparent's living room. He traveled with his grandparents to pow-wows and too summer camps. His grandparents travel with him to many places and this is where many of his drawings come from. He draws about how he feels and what he's seen during his lifetime. While in high-school, he had the privilege of being taught new techniques by another artist Robert Kackakeesick from the United States. This artist inspired Darryl through his own artwork to continue to draw.